An import is considered animal acquisition from non-commercial or unapproved sources, including farms, and is required to be approved and completed by OLAR.
An export is considered shipping animals from West Virginia University to another source.
Investigators wishing to import/export animals will need to complete either an animal import request form or a rodent export request form and submit this form to OLAR. Please visit our Forms tab, where both forms can be found and submitted.
Please make sure to contact our Import/Export Coordinator, Brandi Underwood, prior to submitting either form for direction on determining if an MTA is required.
Animal Import Specifics
OLAR must give approval to the source before animals can be accepted.
All animals will undergo a quarantine period that will last at least 5 weeks. At the end of the 4th week of quarantine, samples will be taken for testing. Animal housing will be based on health status from test results.
The importing PI is responsible for all charges associated with the import.
Animal Export Specifics
Animals will NOT be shipped until approval from receiving institution is received.