
Showing items 451 - 460 of 2287 stories.

WVU provides updates on transformation initiatives

Efforts to reposition West Virginia University for the future continue through a “First Principles” approach President Gordon Gee outlined in his State of the University address this spring, one focused on students, the University’s land-grant mission and differentiation.

WVU in the News: WVU Researchers Find Burnout Among Faith Leaders

In a recent study, WVU researchers looked at burnout among community faith leaders. Appalachia Health News Reporter, Emily Rice, sat down with Angel Smothers, associate dean for community engagement, and clinical associate professor at the WVU School of Nursing, to discuss the study’s findings.

WVU Medicine privacy and security reminder

One of the most common causes of a breach of patient information at WVU Medicine involves paper. Improper storage, disposal and or distribution to the wrong individual can result in breach of personal information. 

The Conversation: Processing and grieving an ongoing loss

Processing and grieving an ongoing loss – such as a child with a devastating injury or disability – does not fit neatly into traditional models of grief. Dr. Brad Phillips discusses his research around ambiguous loss or loss without closure.

Senior nursing student in recovery hopes to improve care for veterans with SUD

As part of her capstone, Holly Perkins has connected with veterans to share her own story of substance use disorder. She has provided facts around SUD to dispel myths and encouraged people to feel safe and supported in asking for help when they are struggling. She has also compiled a resources list with treatment locations, meeting times, contact information, and steps on how to get started.