Build community at WVU
Our WVU campuses are filled with opportunities for students to explore their passions and build lifelong connections. From student organizations to extracurricular activities and on-campus networks, there is something for everyone.
Research study seeks those in first trimester of pregnancy
Researchers at WVU are studying movement and health during pregnancy, beginning in the first trimester.
WVU Homecoming marks 150 years of alumni engagement and special moments
Mountaineers will reconnect in Morgantown this weekend (Oct. 20-22) to celebrate past moments and create new memories while marking the 150th anniversary of the West Virginia University Alumni Association during Homecoming.
Informatic experts to speak at Public Health Grand Rounds
The WVU School of Public Health's Master of Health Administration program will host an Administrative Grand Rounds on Friday, October 20, from noon to 1 p.m. ET via Zoom that features health informatics experts.
Wiles to lead marketing and communications for WVU’s School of Public Health
Lindsay Wiles was named director of marketing and communications for the School of Public Health, and her first day in this role will be Wednesday, Nov. 1.
WVU charting public policy model to address state’s opioid crisis
While solutions for addressing the opioid crisis often involve either beefing up law enforcement or widening the scope of health services, West Virginia University researchers said they believe the best approach is a synergistic mix of both.
DHHR’s Bureau for Public Health to host Community Listening Sessions
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau for Public Health is hosting eight community listening sessions to gather insight on health issues in specific areas of the state as part of the 2023 State Health Assessment.
Teaching and Learning Commons session to explore AI
In this virtual session, we will investigate how AI can simplify tasks for faculty and explore if a revival of traditional educational notions is possible in the wake of AI's rise.
PREP (Pipeline Rural Education Program) 2023 application now open
PREP (Pipeline Rural Education Program), an initiative of the WVU Institute for Community and Rural Health, introduces WVU undergraduate students to pathways into the rural healthcare professions.
Teaching and Learning Commons partner event scheduled for Oct. 26
Teaching and Learning Commons is partnering with WVU Libraries to host "Incorporating Open Access and Open Educational Resources into Your Instruction" on Oct. 26.