
As a result of requests to lower our page count, reduce our page load time and data use, we’re using SmugMug to alleviate that issue so that you can still share photos through links from your pages.

Smugmug is a photo storage service that will allow you to upload large galleries of photos, and make them available to share on your websites, and allow your users to download high quality versions of those photos for free.

To request access for the SmugMug, please contact your school communicator.

Creating New Folders and Galleries #

To create a new folder or gallery, click “Organize” at the top of the page. Select your Department’s folder, then click the green “Create” button at the top. This will give you the option to create either a folder or gallery.

If you are creating a new folder, a “Create Folder” window will appear. Give the folder a name and click “Done.”

If you are creating a new gallery, a “Create Gallery” window will appear. Give this folder a name and description, then hit “Done.”

Uploading Photos to SmugMug #

Click “Organize” at the top of the page. To add photos to a gallery, select the gallery in the left panel, then click “Upload.” You can drop your photos into the window that appears. When those have finished uploading, you can click the X button at the top to close the window.

To add caption and tags to all of your photos at once, open up a gallery and select all of the photos within it. After selecting your photos, click the wrench button at the top of the page, then click “Title, Caption, and Keywords.” A menu will open up on the side. To add a caption, click “Choose Action,” and select “Replace all” from the menu. A box will appear that will let you add a caption. To add a tag, type a keyword into the “Keywords” box. You can separate each keyword by hitting return on your keyboard.