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Two Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Faculty recognized at the 2023 Chancellor’s Awards

Drs. Steven Frisch and Roberta Leonardi from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, were recognized for their accomplishments at the 2023 Chancellor’s Awards.

The Chancellor’s Awards and WISH Awards honor faculty and staff who have been recognized by their peers for their achievements. Winners were nominated by their peers and selected by their respective achievement award committees.

Dr. Frisch received the Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Award. This award recognizes faculty for outstanding achievement in advancing the teaching mission of WVU Health Sciences.

Dr. Frisch states, “I'm so honored that my students' response to my teaching was positive enough to result in this award.  Teaching the Biology of Aging was facilitated by the highly exciting content.  There were no pre-requisites for the course, so not all of my students had a significant biological sciences background.  My adaptation was to teach molecular mechanisms in a rigorous way by first providing concise, "just in time" background.  This adaptation, which proved effective, might be applicable to other science courses.”

Dr. Leonardi received the Outstanding Achievement in Research Award. This award recognizes faculty for outstanding achievements in research, scholarship or creative activities.

Dr. Leonardi states, “I am very grateful for the honor of being nominated and ultimately selected to receive the Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research. This award humbles me and fuels my commitment to advancing our understanding of metabolic disease mechanisms, working towards better health for West Virginians.”

Dr. Visvanathan Ramamurthy, Chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine expressed, "It is gratifying and a great source of pride to see our faculty recognized for their superb teaching, service, and research endeavors. In the last two years, the following faculty from our department have received Chancellor's Awards: Drs. Peter Mathers (service), Michael Gunther (teaching), Stephen Frisch (teaching) & Roberta Leonardi (Research). I am honored to be in the presence of innovators who contribute daily to our university's mission to create a culture that advances education, high-impact research, and service. Congratulations!"