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Reminder: Share events through WVU calendar system

The Health Sciences community is reminded to utilize the WVU calendar for sharing events with students, faculty, staff and the public.

Events posted to the web calendar system are able to be displayed on individual school and unit websites for a targeted audience, as well as platforms intended to reach a wider audience, such as the Health Sciences Hub and WVU Events Calendar and InfoStation digital signage located across campus. In addition, individuals have the option to share the event on social media and add it to their personal calendar.

Submit New Calendar Events

Events for the web calendar can be submitted by any WVU student, faculty or staff member following the steps listed below. All submitted events will be queued for review and approval by calendar administrators.

  1. Visit the WVU Events Calendar and sign in using your WVU login credentials.
  2. Click on the button labeled “Submit an event.”
  3. Populate the event form with as much information as possible and be sure to set a descriptive title, select a department and complete other classification details as appropriate. You'll also need to include a plain-text summary of your event description for use on the InfoStations digital signage network where indicated.
    • When submitting an event intended for students, faculty or staff in a school or unit at WVU Health Sciences, please utilize the following “Department” options based on your intended audience (you are able to select more than one department in the calendar system):
      • Center for Excellence in Disabilities
      • HSC
      • HSC Office of Research and Graduate Education
      • School of Dentistry
      • School of Medicine
      • School of Nursing
      • School of Pharmacy
      • School of Public Health
      • WVU Cancer Institute
      • WVU Research Corporation
  4. Click on the button labeled “Submit Event” to complete your event submission.

For tips or questions, visit the help section on the calendar website.