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Dental school mini festival showcases cultures from across the globe

Latin American, Middle Eastern and East Asian traditions shared

West Virginia University School of Dentistry students, faculty, staff and residents represent countries and cultures from Asia to South America and numerous regions in between. During WVU’s annual Diversity Week, they gave colleagues and the Health Sciences community a taste, literally in some cases, of Latin America, the Middle East and East Asia.

Diversity Week endeavors to promote celebration, education and understanding of different identities, and experiences present on our campuses.

Diversity and Inclusion teams across campus are committed to renewing a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Dr. Juan Bugueno leads the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee at WVU’s dental school. In two years, he and the group more than doubled the number of events celebrating the uniqueness of our Mountaineers.

“I really appreciate all the efforts, enthusiasm, dedication and willingness to make the events possible and with such outstanding results,” Bugueno said. “I believe we have experienced what diversity, equity and inclusion mean – sharing our similarities, celebrating our differences, giving equal opportunities to express oneself and allowing each other the space to grow in our distinctions.”

Click to watch Tik Tok video courtesy student Mays Ibraheem.

Tik Tok video of multicultural mini festival

Dance, music and food were the paths to explore different cultures, engage in discussions that bring new perspectives, and celebrate the presence of, and contributions made by, people of all identities and experiences.


Click to watch video.

Mercedes Cerda and Juan Bugueno

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Dr. Leslie Wolford teaches colleagues to dance.

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A student dances during Diversity Week

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Students teach a group dance during Diversity Week.


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Students play traditional music during Diversity Week.


Click to see complete photo album of events.

Salchipapa is served at the multicultural mini festival.

Students serve food at multicultural mini festival