
Showing items 451 - 460 of 3905 stories.

WVU provides updates on transformation initiatives

Efforts to reposition West Virginia University for the future continue through a “First Principles” approach President Gordon Gee outlined in his State of the University address this spring, one focused on students, the University’s land-grant mission and differentiation.

WVU Medicine privacy and security reminder

One of the most common causes of a breach of patient information at WVU Medicine involves paper. Improper storage, disposal and or distribution to the wrong individual can result in breach of personal information. 

Recruiting those in their first trimester of pregnancy for a research study

Researchers at West Virginia University are studying movement and health during pregnancy, beginning in the first trimester. Participants will have an initial in-person study visit and two virtual visits across pregnancy. You will be asked to answer online questionnaires and wear movement monitors for one week. There are no interventions or medications. You can earn up to $150 for completing all three study visits.

Campus Conversation planned June 27

Staff, faculty and students are invited to attend a Campus Conversation Tuesday (June 27) designed to provide an update on the University’s overarching transformation initiatives, including those to address academics and the structural budget deficit.