WV Healthcare Safety, Quality and Experience Improvement Research Day Presentations
- Taking our IDEA from Simulation to Reality - Kathryn Hoffman
- ICU Orientation Utilizing Simulation with Program Evaluation - Katie Hoffman
- Establishing an Electronic Medical Record Treatment and Eradication Plan for H. pylori Infection at West Virginia University Hospital: A Quality Improvement Study - Kanith Farah
- Factors Influencing Patients’ Receptivity to Influenza, Pneumonia, and COVID-19 Vaccinations at a Specialty Pulmonary Clinic Serving Rural Appalachians- Nawaf Al-saeed
- ICU Experts partner with School of Nursing Offering Elective Course - Amy Litwinovich
- Data Validation and Implementation of Pharmacogenomics Our Practice Advisories (OPAs) and Testing - Julie Sibbesen
- Implementation of a Code Blue preparedness initiative to increase staff knowledge, comfortability, and competence in medical emergencies on 8 Southeast - Shaun Kessler
- Improved Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Management: A Multidisciplinary Educational Effort - Catherine McGaughey
- An Interdisciplinary Approach to End-of-Life Care in a Community Hospital Setting - Heather Moore
- Identifying Hemolysis Reduction Strategies by Comparing Specimen Collection Methods at Different Clinical Units - Tijen Sahin
- Patient Preference of Metal or Plastic Speculums for Pelvic Exam - Torren Kalaskey
- Reducing Readmissions for Vascular Surgical Site Infections at West Virginia University Medicine Heart and Vascular Institute – a Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Project - Matthew Richards
- Transforming COPD care: A multidisciplinary QI initiative to standardize inpatient COPD management - Syed Ahmad
- Improvement in Patient Discharge Disposition through Collaboration between WVU Division of Hospital Medicine and Encompass Rehab Hospital of Morgantown - Lindsay Sunzeri
- Continuous Pulse Oximetry: Decreasing Step Down Utilization and Discharge orders from Step-Down - Nicholas Mains
- Decreasing Step Down Utilization: A Multifaceted Approach to Improve Staffing Ratios - Nicholas Mains
- Utilization of Early Discharge Orders to Improve Hospital Throughput - Nicholas Mains
- Utilization of Mock Codes to Enhance Patient Survival - Carolyn Doerr
- An Educational Intervention to Improve Utilization of the WVU Transition of Care Policy - Stephanie Santer
- Identifying Gaps in Care During Hospital Transitions: A Quality Improvement Initiative in the Transitions of Care Clinic - Stephen Chen
- Multidisciplinary Approach to Decreasing Alcohol Use Disorder Readmissions and Length of Stay - Nicholas Sandoval
- Reducing Readmissions for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy - Mary Noonan
- Improving medical student education during the Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation at WVUSOM - Kassie Whitfield
- Optimization of Blood Pressure in the Outpatient Setting - Mark Colantonio
- Enhancing CVICU Patient Safety: Reducing CAUTI Incidence with Unit-Based Champions - Angela Johnston
- Enhancing Quality of Care in Atrial Fibrillation Using Our Practice Advisories (OPA): One Year Review - Joseph Capito
- Multimodal Approach to Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection Reduction in the Neuro Critical Care Unit - Shanna Morgan
- Incorporation of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) into an Interdisciplinary Primary Care Diabetes Clinic - Amir Elsehmawy
- Multidisciplinary Approach to Pressure Injury Leads to Reduction in Pressure Injuries - Alycia Perrine
- WVU Family Medicine Quality Improvement Project: Completion of Colorectal Cancer Screening with Cologuard - Garrett Stoner
- Improving Osteoporosis Screening in Men >50 with Risk Factors - Ryan Wanstreet
- Reducing Length of Stay Following Carotid Interventions - Sagar Patel
- Rapid MRI Protocol - Daniel Grant
- Quietness At Night: Help Us Support Healing (HUSH) - Christopher Dionne
- Vitamin K in Cirrhotic Bleeders: Re-evaluating Administration Prior to GI Intervention in the MICU - Olanrewaju Adeniran
- Palpating the PULSE of WVU Internal Medicine Residents: Improving Access to POCUS - Nolan Holley
- Protecting and promoting neurodevelopmental care for premature infants: initiation of a neurodevelopmental focus and expectation in a level IV neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) - Kinsey Roth
- Patient Handoff and Information Fatigue - Chris Feghali
- Impact of Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Compliance and Clearance Time in Orthopaedic Medical Optimization Program - Ashlyn Baker
- Accuracy of Orthopedic Surgeons versus Epic in Prediction of Operating Room Times - Vincent Melemai
- 10 Southeast Comprehensive Unit Based Safety Program (CUSP) Staff Champions Lead to Improved Patient Safety and Quality Outcomes - Cara Turley
- Patient Family Advisory Council: Partners to Improve Healthcare - Bonnie Ryan
- Building Bridges to Health Equity: Addressing Transportation and Safety Barriers in Marginalized Communities - Bonnie Ryan
- Preparing for Labor, Delivery, and Obstetric Emergencies in a Rural Emergency Department - Annie Thacker
- Hospital Inpatient Rooms: Does the Seating Matter? - Jennifer Johnson
- Line of Defense- Nurse-driven Rounds to Reduce CLABSIs - Hannah Fridley
- Sepsis Mortality Reduction at Uniontown Hospital - Christy Kitta
- Reducing CAUTI Infections with Alternative External Collection Device Use - Mary Shaw
- Implementing a Systematic Approach to Reducing Heart Failure Readmissions - Andrea Lint
- Creation of a Reintubation Risk Assessment Tool and Huddle in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Brandy Blackwell
- Improving Pediatric Asthma Outcomes: The Impact of Standardized Education on Length of Stay Reduction - Jamie Rice
- Enhancing Patient Safety: Good Catch Program - Andrea Atkinson
- Evaluation of Hepatitis C Screening Practices Through the Orthopedic Medical Optimization Program (OMOP) to Improve Care and Surgical Outcomes in Patients who Undergo Joint Replacement Surgery (JRS) - Isabelle Mulango
- Analysis of the Association Between Performanceon Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG) Quality Improvement Clinical Measuresand Participation in the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA®) Programin the State of Michigan in 2019 - Edward Nemergut