Focus on well-being with the Health Sciences community during WVU Week of Purpose
West Virginia University’s second annual Week of Purpose will take place Monday, Sept. 25 through Friday, Sept. 29. Students, faculty and staff are invited to enjoy a variety of events and take this opportunity for self-exploration, learn a new perspective and engage with others as we continue this purposeful journey together.
WVU CED expands efforts to improve outcomes for babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome
For the last five years, the WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities (WVU CED) has tested and implemented models of care to strengthen services for families with infants born exposed to substances in utero or diagnosed with NAS living in West Virginia.
Grant allows WVU School of Public Health to launch career closet
The West Virginia University School of Public Health has been awarded a mini grant by Volunteer West Virginia to launch Broad Street Threads, a career closet for its students.
Service to others propels WVU simulation educator’s career
From firefighter to flight paramedic to educator, Russell “Rusty” Doerr has lived a life of service to others. Rusty’s desire to help others started as a young child, growing up as the son of a firefighter, and led him to a career at West Virginia University that spans more than 30 years.
Harnessing research insights, close to home: WVU Cancer Institute hosts the fifth annual Great Lakes Breast Cancer Research Symposium
The Great Lakes Breast Cancer Research Symposium 2023 drew 177 participants from five institutions.
“Healthcare is Human” exhibit opens September 25
The COVID pandemic brought to light the long hours, challenges and sacrifices healthcare workers and support staff have long endured to serve their communities. Their stories are the subject of “Healthcare is Human,” a new exhibit at the WVU Health Sciences Center.
MUSHROOM Project hosting backpack and blanket drive
School of Medicine is hosting a backpack and blanket drive for the Multidisciplinary Unsheltered Homeless Relief Outreach Of Morgantown (MUSHROOM) Project through Sept. 29.
Health Sciences community to host several WVU Diversity Week events
The West Virginia University Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will host its annual Diversity Week Sunday, Sept. 17, through Saturday, Sept. 23.
Learn about community organizations at Employee and Student Life Fair
Students, faculty and staff on the West Virginia University Health Sciences Campus in Morgantown are invited to learn more about the community at an Employee and Student Life Fair planned for Tuesday, Sept. 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Pylons Commons.
New WVU study tracks medical resident sleep, burnout
From treating patients to continuing education, medical school graduates spend several hours each week dedicated to their practice during residency training. To help determine the level of fatigue the trainees experience, West Virginia University researchers studied individuals completing a rotation in the intensive care unit.