Expect a new experience when your version of Microsoft Office is updated Monday, July 15
All Health Sciences Center computers that are still running a 2019 version of Microsoft Office will be updated to a more modern version starting Monday, July 15.
New Health Sciences faculty invited to participate in orientation sessions
All new faculty at WVU Health Sciences are invited to participate in a two-part orientation hosted by the Faculty Development Program this fall.
Mountaineer Marketplace unavailable this weekend
Mountaineer Marketplace will be unavailable from 9 p.m. Friday (July 12) to noon Sunday (July 14) for important system upgrades.
Journal of Family Violence publishes article by Public Health faculty member
An article by Social & Behavioral Sciences Associate Professor Danielle M. Davidov, “A Blessing and a Curse”: The Impact of Sociopolitical Events and National Discourse Surrounding Sexual Violence on College Campuses, was recently published in the "Journal of Family Violence."
SPH Happenings: July 1, 2024
Read the latest edition of the Happenings, the WVU School of Public Health's internal e-newsletter.
Panopto Recorders: Some Mac users will be required to upgrade software on Friday, July 19
Panopto Creators who are working with an outdated version of the Panopto recorder for Mac will receive a vendor-required software upgrade at 4 a.m. Friday, July 19
Windows 11 will be installed on all WVU computers capable of receiving upgrade, starting July 9
Information Technology Services will install Windows 11 on all WVU-managed Windows computers that need and can accept the update, starting Tuesday, July 9.
BeWell welcomes behavioral health specialist
Carmella Polak, a behavioral health specialist at the WVU Carruth Center, will join the WVU Health Sciences BeWell team in July.
WVU Health Sciences students demonstrate Mountaineer values
Across West Virginia University, the campus community is driven by our Mountaineer values – service, curiosity, respect, accountability and appreciation. The WVU Health Sciences Student Advisory Board recently put those values into action by showing their appreciation for the facilities management team.
W.Va. Campus Self-Defense Act to take effect July 1
On July 1, Senate Bill 10, the W.Va. Campus Self-Defense Act, will take effect in West Virginia.