Try This Tuesday: Values Identification Activity

Materials: You’ll need something to write on and write with. This activity can also be done digitally (e.g., in your Notes app).


  1. Create a list of all of the values you hold. Write down as many values as you can think of. No need to rank order them (yet!). If you struggle to think of values, there are plenty of values lists available online.
  2. Of all of the values you wrote down, choose the 10 that are most meaningful to you.
  3. From your list of 10 values, select your top 5.
  4. From your list of 5 values, select your top 3.
  5. From your list of 3 values, select your top value.
  6. For each of your top 3 values, identify how much your life currently aligns with that value on a scale from 0 (not at all in alignment with) to 10 (completely in alignment with). For example, if you value honesty and feel that you are honest with yourself and others most of the time, you might choose an 8 or 9 for that value. Pay special attention to your most important value.
  7. For each of your top 3 values (or just your top value if you do not want to focus on all three), identify 2-3 ways you can align your life more closely with that value. For example, if you find yourself being honest with friends and coworkers but not with family, you might focus on specific ways you could live out your value of honesty in family relationships. These action items should be specific and within your control.
  8. Once done, reflect on your experience. You might reflect on what the process of removing values was like for you, what influenced your decisions in each round, if there was anything surprising, or what emotions and thoughts came up for you during this activity.
