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Orthodontics residents first from WV to attend prestigious course

Department chair pleased senior residents could attend, proud of performance

Three School of Dentistry orthodontic residents are the first representatives of the state and of West Virginia University to attend multi-day, hands-on orthodontic courses at the prestigious Charles H. Tweed International Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education. The foundation describes Dr. Tweed as an innovative and perceptive diagnostician and master clinician who, along with his mentor Edward Angle, introduced the edgewise bracket and gave orthodontists a way to use it.

The first-time experience was made possible by the the dental school's department of orthodontics and through the generosity of its alumni. Third-year residents Drs. Miranda Fabrega, Su Min Han and Justin TenBrook spent seven days in Tuscan, Arizona for intensive, hands-on experiences in advanced edgewise mechanics, differential diagnosis and the Tweed/Merrifield philosophy.

(See feedback from the WVU School of Dentistry Department of Orthodontics below.)

Orthodontic residents Justin TenBrook and Miranda Fabrega stand on either side of Dr. James Vaden.Shortly after the residents’ arrival and early into their course study, Dr. James Vaden, the Tweed Foundation’s most recent executive director, shared a glowing review of their work with Dr. Peter Ngan, chair of the department of orthodontics.

Vaden described the course as boot camp for studying orthodontists.

“Sharon, Miranda and Justin are working hard and are representing you and West Virginia so very well. They are the first ever group from West Virginia,” he wrote.

Click to read Dr. Vaden’s full hand-written note.

Drs. Fabrega, Han and TenBrook will graduate from their residency program in May 2022.

“It is our hope that they return to you with more knowledge of the fundamentals and more confidence in their respective abilities,” Vaden added.


Dr. Ngan was proud to read Vaden's feedback and pleased to share positive feedback from all three participants on multiple topics. 

Treatment planning

"Dr. Han explained that the Tweed Foundation course opened her eyes to knew ideas of treatment planning and gave her new skills to add to her orthodontic armamentarium. She was very grateful to be able to attend," Ngan said. 

Hands-on experience

"Dr. Fabrega indicated the experience and knowledge gained at the course was invaluable. She called it a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and was appreciative of WVU Orthodontics and alumni for making the trip possible," Ngan said. 

Wire-bending skills

"Dr. TenBrook said the course solidified his wire-bending skills and he was able to apply them in practice immediately. He, like his co-residents, was thankful to be able to attend but emphasized he truly hoped future WVU orthodontics residents will be able to have the same opportunity. He called it timeworthy and an overall phenomenal experience," Ngan said.