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WVU dental school Delta Sigma Delta fraternity gives back through Operation Christmas Child

Chi Chi Chapter members show their spirit of giving

Delta Sigma Delta members show off the boxes they filled for children.

Have you been wondering how the local Chi Chi Chapter of Delta Sigma Delta was preparing for the holidays?

Showing their spirit of giving, the West Virginia University School of Dentistry chapter spent their time packing up shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Operation Christmas Child is a donation program run by the nonprofit group, Samaritan’s Purse, which enlists volunteers to fill shoeboxes with gifts. These gifts are then sent to underprivileged children all around the world. What makes these boxes special is the care and individuality each volunteer gets to put into their box. The volunteer selects a gender and age group between two and 14 years old and fills it with school supplies, hygiene products, toys, and any other surprises they can think of. So far, Operation Christmas Child has operated in over 170 countries and given out over 188 million shoeboxes!

Student volunteers had three weeks to put together their shoeboxes. “I’m extremely proud of our DSD group this year. As a group, we were able donate and bless 75 children with gifts that they may not have had without our groups generous donations. What’s small to us, may mean the world for them,” Paige White, the chapter’s Junior Page said.