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Update on SPH domain migration schedule

Migration to occur week of May 8

As part of the continuing project to rebuild the HSC Active Directory, SPH Department computers will be migrated to the new domain the week of May 8. The plan is to migrate all departments and units on the third floor of HSC on Monday night at 11 PM and the EPI/BIOS department on Wednesday night at 11 PM. 

This means workstations will have been migrated to the new domain prior to logging in at start of business Tuesday for the 3rd floor departments and Thursday for the EPIBIOS department. This work will not affect Linux devices, tablets, phones or Mac users. 

For those affected, following is what you need to know: 

HSC Laptops: 

  • If you have a laptop serving as your primary system that has not been migrated, please bring it to work on the day of the scheduled migration, connect it to your docking station, make sure that WiFi is turned off and you are connected to the wired network. In lieu of a wired network connection, your laptop can be connected to the HSC.Encrypted wireless network instead. Please ensure the laptop is plugged into power and set to not go to sleep. 
HSC Laptops and Desktops: 
  • Make sure all data is saved and closed on your computer at the end of the business day or before the scheduled migration begins.
  • Leave your computer powered on and connected to the HSC network on your designated migration day.
  • Research computers: If you have a computer that cannot be rebooted at 11pm on your scheduled migration day, please contact Jessica White to coordinate a better migration date. 
  • Remote Desktop Connection Users (including HSView Users): If using Remote Desktop Connection to your migrated computer, make sure the username is entered as hsad\username as reflected in the image below. 
If you have any questions/concerns, please reach out to Jessica White