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Mountaineer Trivia by Dr. Hornbrook

Smaller class sizes have always been emphasized

The West Virginia University School of Dentistry was established by the West Virginia State Legislature with the first D.D.S. class of 30 students enrolling in the fall of 1957 that graduated in 1961. The most number of students in any dental class since the school started was 63 in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. The first female was accepted into the Class of 1963. Five years later, three females were in the Class of 1968. In 2008, there were 27 females in the incoming dental class and that was the largest number of females in the history of the dental classes at that time.

The Dental Hygiene program started in 1961 and consisted of two students who graduated in 1965. The dental hygiene classes have averaged 20 students since that time. Unlike many dental hygiene programs throughout the nation, the one at the WVU School of Dentistry is a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene.