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From Interim Dean Panagakos - A time to pause and to prepare

Dr. Panagakos reflects on the semester and looks ahead

A Time to Pause….and to Prepare

Dr. Fotinos Panagakos, interim dean of the WVU School of Dentistry, pens message to school community.Another academic year is complete. On July 17th, the summer 2020 semester officially ended. (Although, our rising D2s had a few more sessions of sim lab to complete the following week). As I look back on the past few months, I first say a prayer of thanks that we were able to weather the disruption, stress and uncertainty that COVID-19 delivered. One hundred and thirty-one days and counting. In spite of what we were up against, our school came together and overcame the challenges. We can all look back proudly at what we accomplished, including:

· The COVID-19 Task Force provided needed guidance and continues to support the school as we navigate the future.

· Our clinical support staff prepared our clinics for return to full operation on May 18th which included acquiring needed PPE and implementing a mask recycling program with Health Sciences.

· Faculty, staff and residents provided needed emergency care while elective dental services were curtailed, often treating patients who had no place to go due to office closures.

· All students are where they should be academically and ready to start the new academic year next month. This required extra effort by everyone, including simulation labs that often ran from 8 am to 8 pm and open lab sessions on certain evenings and Saturdays. A huge thanks to the Class of 2021 members who helped proctor these open lab sessions.

· The DDS Class of 2020 finished on time, and we were able to celebrate this accomplishment with many of them during a “drive-in” ceremony on June 6th while the Dental Hygiene Class of 2020 held a virtual celebration.

· We worked collaboratively with the WV Board of Dentistry to arrange provisional licensure of our graduates – a huge thank you to the board members for their support

· We received support and encouragement from our dedicated alumni and the WV Dental Association while the school navigated the pandemic.

· We welcomed a new group of residents to our postgraduate programs on July 1st.

However, our work is not done. While I encourage everyone to take some time over the next few weeks to rest and recharge (I am learning how to fly fish), we must also prepare for the start of a new academic year.

The University’s plan is to bring back all students for an on campus academic experience with a few large lecture classes delivered online. Our dental school students will also have most classes taught in person with just a small number online. Our simulation labs will be used at full capacity using enhanced PPE avoiding the need for extended evening sessions. Our clinic will be used at full capacity as well with higher risk procedures allocated to a specific area of the clinic.

We must all keep in mind that any or all of this can change overnight. We may see a pullback and restrictions imposed in our clinics and simulation lab if cases of COVID-19 continue to rise within the county. We must be prepared for this possibility to include faculty pivoting back to online delivery of all lecture classes and reduced capacity within our simulation lab and clinics which may reinstate extended hours.

We must also continue to act in a safe and professional manner, especially outside of the school and HSC. This is where the risk is highest for possible exposure to COVID-19. We must follow the three C’s: Avoid closed spaces with poor ventilation, avoid crowded places with many people nearby, and avoid close-contact settings such as close-range conversation. Add to this, wearing a mask to protect yourself and others around you, wash your hands frequently and remain home if you are sick or have symptoms. It is really that simple.

As healthcare professionals, we are viewed with a higher standard. We must live up to this standard, doing what needs to be done, to protect ourselves, our family and friends, our classmates and colleagues and our patients.

I wish everyone a restful balance of the summer, and I look forward to returning in August and the start of a new academic year.