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Division of Exercise Physiology seeks participants for Cubii research study

The West Virginia University School of Medicine Division of Exercise Physiology is seeking participants for a research study on the effectiveness of using a Cubii seated elliptical to increase physical activity during the workday.

Research has shown that prolonged sitting for more than four hours is adversely associated with negative health outcomes including cardiovascular disease, hypertension and impaired mental health.

The Division is looking for adults 18-60 years old who have a desk job requiring them to sit for most of the day. Participants are eligible if they exercise less than 150 minutes per week, have no cardiovascular disease or musculoskeletal injuries and are not currently pregnant.

Those selected for the study will attend two assessments at the Human Performance Laboratory in the WVU Health Sciences Center, participate in eight weeks of exercise intervention at home and attend one follow up visit two months after the end of the exercise intervention.

If interested in participating in the study contact Lori Sherlock, MS, Ed.D. at