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Contraceptive education and research event

Are you confident prescribing contraceptives to your patients? Are you confused about recent laws surrounding them? We would like to invite you to participate in a research event regarding contraceptives, their devices and their prescribing laws. This two-hour workshop is open to current students and working healthcare professionals, and will consist of three parts:

  1. An online pre-survey
  2. A live learning event and
  3. An online post-survey following the live event.

For your time and participation, dinner will be provided during the live event.

When: Monday, March 3
Time: 5-7 p.m.
Location: HSC North, Room 2940 A and B.

At the end of the event there will be:

  • Speakers from different healthcare disciplines
  • Contraceptive devices to see and touch
  • Tips for prescribing and counseling on contraceptives 
  • A discussion on contraceptive prescribing laws

To participate, please complete the pre-survey and registration by Monday, February 24th. You can do so by clicking this link

For any questions or concerns please email 3rd year pharmacy student Maegan Casimir ( or PI Dr. Heather Smith, PharmD, BCACP (