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Class of 2024 - Cassidy Shaffer

Cassidy Shaffer1) Why did you choose WVU?

I chose WVU in part for the location. I love everything outdoors, Morgantown and the surrounding area will give me many different ways to enjoy the outdoors. The main things that attracted me to the dental program are the Rural Rotation opportunity, the Dental Innovation Center, and of course the friendly environment.

2) What is your favorite activity?

My favorite activity is boating. I love swimming, waterskiing, and just spending a day at the lake.

3) What is your favorite TV program, movie, and who is your favorite music artist?

My favorite TV show is It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, my favorite movie is Talladega Nights, and my favorite artist is Shania Twain.

4) Who has been your greatest influence in your life, other than a family member, and why?

The greatest influence I have had has been from two of my high school teachers. A concussion caused me to miss a significant amount of school but these teachers made me realize that as long as I was willing to put in the effort, there would be people along the way to help me out, and this has been true to this day. They both played major roles in helping me navigate the difficult time I had with my concussion.

5) If you could be anyone, other than yourself, who would that be and why?

If I could be anyone else, I would be Dr. Abelardo Arizpe Cantú. He is an oral surgeon from Monterrey N.L., Mexico who is a director of CLAYPA, a cleft lip and palate repair charity serving children in small villages of Central and South America. I met him through my sister’s father-in-law, who was an oral surgeon in Texas. He has touched so many people’s lives through his work and this has really impacted me as I enter the dental field thinking about how I will serve my community.

6) What are your biggest worries about coming to the WVU dental school this fall?

My biggest worry is adjusting back to being in school after being out and working for a year. I know it will also be a major adjustment going to a full day of classes after the undergraduate course load I was used to.

7) How do you deal with stress?

When I’m stressed I like to take a break to do something I enjoy, like taking a walk or bike ride, reading, watching a TV show, or tying flies.

8) If you could change the world, what would you do?

If I could change the world, I’d make everyone more understanding. Everyone is stressed and has things going on in their life but we don’t always treat each other that way.