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Class of 2024 - Branson Martin

Branson Martin is a member of the WVU School of Dentistry Class of 2024.

1) Why did you choose WVU?

I chose WVU because it felt like home. Having grown up in West Virginia and attending WVU for my undergraduate education, getting the opportunity to study at the WVU School of Dentistry is a dream come true.

2) What is your favorite activity?

My favorite activity is watching/playing sports, hiking, and playing with my dogs.

3) What is your favorite TV program, movie, and who is your favorite music artist?

My favorite TV show would have to be Ozark, my favorite movie is Project X, and my favorite musician is Kenny Chesney.

4) Who has been your greatest influence in your life, other than a family member, and why?

The greatest influence in my life other than a family member would have to be my girlfriend. She has opened my eyes to so many things over the past eight years and has made a huge impact on my life, while also being my rock that I lean on at the same time.

5) If you could be anyone, other than yourself, who would that be and why?

If I could be anyone other than myself, I would choose to be Barack Obama. I would choose to be him because he is admired and respected worldwide and I believe that is something that everyone strives for, and he achieved it.

6) What are your biggest worries about coming to the WVU dental school this fall?

My biggest worries about coming to dental school this fall would have to be the amount of credit hours that we are taking. Having just finished my undergraduate education, the most credit hours I had in one semester was 17. It worries me, but also motivates me.

7) How do you deal with stress?

I deal with stress in many ways. I like to play with my dogs, hang out with friends, or just simply call my parents and talk to them about life.

8) If you could change the world, what would you do?

If I could change the world, I think I would pick something that means a lot to me. I would fight for our environment and be an advocate for the conservation of our land and wildlife. Growing up in a beautiful state gave me appreciation for our Earth and I think we need to protect it in every way possible.