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Class of 2024 - Adam Morris

Adam Morris is a member of the dental school's Class of 2024.

1) Why did you choose WVU?

I chose WVU because of the reputation of being a great school and, as seen during my interview, having a welcoming environment. The smaller class size of 48 students had me intrigued from the start as well. The class size shows me that the students will be understood and known more on a personal level rather than being another student in a large group. Overall, the greatness of the program and recognizing that Mountaineer relationships last forever, this made all the difference when deciding that WVU was the school for me.

2) What is your favorite activity?

Choosing a favorite activity is hard for me to do. I enjoy doing many things with my family, and I am constantly active! If I had to pick, I would say that I really enjoy being on the water whether if it’s boating, spending time on the many Lake Erie islands, or fishing. Additional activities that I genuinely enjoy include being physically active, golfing, and camping with my family during the fall.

3) What is your favorite TV program, movie, and who is your favorite music artist?

I don’t watch a ton of TV, so I personally do not have a favorite TV program that comes to mind. My favorite movie would have to be Wild Hogs. And my favorite music artist would most certainly have to be Garth Brooks.

4) Who has been your greatest influence in your life, other than a family member, and why?

Dr. Dennis Pettit, DDS – Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, has been inspirational in my journey to becoming a dentist. He has shared rewarding stories with me and has shown me how being a dentist can change a person’s outlook on life. An additional side note, Dr. Pettit attended WVU School of Dentistry as well!

5) If you could be anyone, other than yourself, who would that be and why?

I’m not sure I would want to be someone other than who I am. I have been blessed and have enjoyed the 23 years of exciting and happy times during my life. Now, I would not mind having the golfing ability of Tiger Woods, but I will stick to who I am as an individual today.

6) What are your biggest worries about coming to the WVU dental school this fall?

My biggest worries would have to be moving out of state and away from my family. I am a family-oriented person, but I know that they will be there to support me as I continue to grow into the professional that I aspire to be.

7) How do you deal with stress?

I deal with stress by doing things that I love to do. In times of stress, I will exert physical energy by working out, going for a run, fishing, hiking, and/or talking to my family. I do this to help clear my mind before I implement the next step in my process. The next step is to address the source of the problem that is causing the stress. Once the problem is identified, I then develop an action plan with strategic steps to eliminate the stressor.

8) If you could change the world, what would you do?

If I could change the world, I would provide homes for the homeless, eliminate hatred, and cure sickness among those who are suffering. I believe by doing so that the world would become a more supportive and positive environment for individuals and families to grow up in.