ASDA gives back during Week of Service
The WVU American Student Dental Association (ASDA) has looked a little different this year due to COVID-19. Normally, ASDA hosts many in-person events and gives back to the community through in-person services. Since everything was virtual this year, WVU ASDA stepped up its game in helping support our local community. ASDA’s Week of Service, held Jan. 25-31, featured a cans and coat drive. A total of 465 nonperishables and 39 new and used coats were donated by students, faculty and staff of the WVU School of Dentistry. Coats were donated to the local homeless shelter, and the nonperishables were donated to The Rack, WVU’s student food pantry. WVU ASDA is continually coming up with ideas for its members to give back to the community.