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WVU Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) updates following rock slide

The PRT is closed between Beechurst and Engineering today, Feb. 11.

Vehicles will circulate between Walnut and Beechurst, and vehicles will run on demand mode between Engineering, Towers and Health Sciences Center (HSC).

Buses will run between Beechurst and Engineering — pick-up at Life Sciences Building (LSB) and Evansdale Crossing. Buses will run between LSB and Evansdale Crossing until 10:15 p.m.

For example, if you are at HSC and need to get downtown, take the PRT from HSC to Engineering and catch the bus at the bottom of Evansdale Crossing to go to LSB.

For the latest, follow @WVUPRTstatus on Twitter. For the latest information on the rock slide incident, visit WVU Today.