
Showing items 1 - 10 of 3924 stories.

School of Medicine family invited to help celebrate John W. Traubert's 90th birthday

John W. Traubert, M.D., former associate dean for student and curricular affairs at the West Virginia University School of Medicine, will turn 90 years old on August 15, 2024. To celebrate the occasion, Dr. Traubert’s family has requested the School of Medicine’s help in delivering 90 messages, or more, from former associates and friends.

WVU Eye Institute launches Immuno-Ocular Enrichment Support Group

The WVU Eye Institute is launching an Immuno-Ocular Enrichment Support Group, a dedicated community for patients with autoimmune diseases that impact eye health. The group aims to provide valuable insights into maintaining eyesight and overall health through an informative forum and community support.