School of Dentistry D.D.S. Class of 2028 begins its journey at WVU
The West Virginia University School of Dentistry welcomed its newest class of Doctor of Dental Surgery students to campus with a full slate of orientation activities.
WVU School of Dentistry welcomes newest class of dental hygiene students
Students from around the world arrived at West Virginia University this week in anticipation of the start of the fall semester. As part of the incoming class, the School of Dentistry welcomed 24 new students into its Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program.
Scholarships empower WVU students to gain experience, explore opportunities
West Virginia University students are enriching their college experience by exploring exciting opportunities — and occasionally finding joy in the unexpected — thanks to private scholarship support.
Lander appointed to expert panel for WV First Foundation
Laura Lander, MSW, AADC, an associate professor in the West Virginia University School of Medicine’s Department of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry and Department of Neuroscience, was recently appointed to the statewide expert panel of the West Virginia First Foundation.
WVCTSI engaging communities across West Virginia through Ambassadors for Community Health Research Program
To ensure research is making the biggest impact possible across the Mountain State, the West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute (WVCTSI) is recruiting its second cohort of the Ambassadors for Community Health Research Program, a program focused on increasing rural community involvement in research.
WVU School of Nursing graduate travels to Honduras to assist with medical care
There is no doubt registered nurse Savannah Pennington has a passion, and a knack, for what she does. Her WVU School of Nursing professor, Dr. Emily Barnes saw Pennington’s potential, so she informed her about a chance to provide people with medical care in Honduras during the spring.
Scholars application open to WVU health professions students
The WVU Institute for Community and Rural Health and the West Virginia Area Health Education Centers are pleased to announce that applications are open for the WV AHEC Rural Community Health Scholars program.
Decades of dedication: Employee facilitates patient safety through WVU simulation center
A Morgantown native, Leigh Ann Bean has dedicated her career to her community and to improving the healthcare experience through compassionate, competent care.
WVU School of Nursing Beckley Campus celebrates Southern WV Junior Nursing Academy participants
The academy, hosted Aug. 13-14 at the WVU Tech campus, welcomed rising eighth, ninth and tenth graders. During the event, students visited Raleigh General Hospital and Appalachian Regional Hospital. They also learned CPR skills and visited AirEvac professionals.
Beckley Summer Jumpstart Program successfully welcomes incoming students
The WVU School of Nursing Beckley Campus successfully provided incoming students with an engaging overview of the nursing profession and the student experience during the Summer Jumpstart Program.