
Showing items 211 - 220 of 2403 stories.

WVU Nursing alum teaches proper hand-washing

Jordan Gray, a WVU School of Nursing alum and a nurse from Oak Hill Middle School, recently completed a lesson on hand-washing with Ms. Wingrove’s 2nd grade class at New River Primary.

Register today for WVU Teaching Scholars Summer Institute

All higher education faculty in health-related disciplines and allied health professionals from across the country are invited to attend the West Virginia University Health Sciences Faculty Development Program Teaching Scholars Summer Institute.

WVU Nursing faculty recognized for “most valuable text” by American Journal of Nursing

As part of its most valuable texts of the year for 2023, the American Journal of Nursing named Middle Range Theory for Nursing as its first place winner in the category of nursing research. The textbook was edited by WVU School of Nursing faculty members Drs. Mary Jane Smith and Roger Carpenter, and five chapters of the book were written by WVU Nursing faculty.