WVU Medicine Transplant Alliance leads in development, publication of ISHLT heart transplant guidelines

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Michael Shullo, Pharm.D., WVU Medicine Transplant Alliance vice president of transplant services, led 38 other expert contributors from 11 countries worldwide in the development of the new International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) Guidelines for the Care of Heart Transplant Recipients.  

Michael Shullo, Pharm.D.
Michael Shullo, Pharm.D.

The Guidelines were originally published in 2010 and provided the first comprehensive guideline for the care of heart transplant patients.

The redeveloped guidelines reflect changes in practices and literature that have emerged since the original recommendations were published. They also include specific new areas of focus that were undeveloped, undiscovered, or unsupported at the time of the original publication.

“The science and practice of heart transplantation is rapidly evolving, with new advances occurring constantly,” Dr. Shullo said. “These new guidelines define best practices for the treatment of heart transplant patients with the intent of providing improved outcomes by changing practice around the world.”

Four task forces, each co-chaired by an adult and a pediatric heart transplant clinician, focused on all aspects of the care of heart transplant recipients, including perioperative care; immunosuppression and rejection; management of complications as part of long-term care; and prevention and prophylaxis as part of long-term care. 

The guidelines drew from nearly 1,000 peer-reviewed studies on the lives and health of heart transplant recipients.

For more information on the WVU Medicine Transplant Alliance, visit WVUMedicine.org/Transplant.