WVU Medicine celebrates Donate Life Month

Attention reporters and editors: If you would like to cover the Donate Life flag-raising event at 10:30 a.m. on April 5, please confirm your attendance in advance with Angela Jones-Knopf at knopfa@wvumedicine.org.  

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – The WVU Medicine Transplant Alliance is pleased to join the Center for Organ Recovery and Education (CORE) and Donate Life West Virginia to raise awareness about organ, tissue, and cornea donation and to inspire everyone during Donate Life Month to be a hero — to be an organ donor. National Donate Life Month

Donate Life Month events will include a flag-raising ceremony on April 5 at WVU Medicine J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital, and Green and Blue Day on April 22, during which staff will be encouraged to wear green and blue or their WVU Medicine Transplant Alliance Donate life T shirts to raise awareness for organ donation. Due to COVID restrictions, the flag raising event is by invitation only.

“CORE is an essential partner for the WVU Medicine Transplant Alliance,” Michael Shullo, Pharm.D., WVU Medicine associate vice president for transplant services, said. “Without the hard work and dedication of these individuals, we would not have the organ availability our program and patients need. Organ donation is a selfless gift that many do not get to see the results of. We are grateful for every donor and donor family who makes that choice.”

More than 100,000 people across the nation are waiting for a life-saving transplant. One person can save the lives of as many as eight people through organ donation and heal the lives of as many as 75 people through tissue donation.

Approximately 11,000 people who are considered medically suitable to donate organs, tissue, and corneas die annually, yet only a fraction donate. Anyone can be a potential donor regardless of age, race, or medical history.

For more information on the WVU Medicine Transplant Alliance, visit WVUMedicine.org/Transplant. To register as a donor, visit RegisterMe.org/WVUMedicine.