Fairmont Medical Center toy drive to support Emergency Department toy closet

FAIRMONT, W.Va. – WVU Medicine Fairmont Medical Center is hosting a toy drive through the end of the year to restock its Emergency Department toy closet. Donations of new, unused toys can be delivered to a member of Security under the canopy at the main hospital entrance.  Toy Drive image

Toys are given to children to help create a better emergency experience. In some cases, these patients have gone through a physical or emotional trauma, and the gift of a toy helps build trust with medical staff and helps them through the visit.

“The children we see in our Emergency Department are often having a rough day, whether they are hurt, scared, or sick,” Cari Morgan, M.B.A., B.S.N., R.N, N.E.-B.C., WVU Medicine Fairmont Medical Center director of nursing, said. “Having toys on hand to help comfort, entertain, or distract them is one of the many things we do to help them through their experience.”

The Emergency Department at Fairmont Medical Center always welcomes toy donations, regardless of whether a toy drive is occurring. Anyone interested in hosting a toy drive to support Fairmont Medical Center can contact Morgan at cari.morgan@wvumedicine.org

For more information on Fairmont Medical Center, visit WVUMedicine.org/Fairmont-Medical-Center.