Simulation Certificate Program to be held March 5-8
The WVU School of Medicine Office of Continuing Medical Education in collaboration with the David and Jo Ann Shaw Center for Simulation Training and Education for Patient Safety (STEPS) will offer the Simulation Certificate Program March 5-8 for instructors with interest in simulation.
Open enrollment begins for ACA Marketplace health insurance plans
Open enrollment for Affordable Care Act Marketplace health insurance began Nov. 1 and goes through Jan. 15, 2024.
Internet connectivity will be unavailable on 4th Floor North 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 16
Internet connectivity will be unavailable on the 4th Floor North and a 5th Floor mechanical room from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 16.
macOS Sonoma is available, Mac users are encouraged to update by Nov. 27
The new macOS Sonoma is available for installation on WVU-owned and -managed computers, and employees are encouraged to update at their earliest convenience.
WVU School of Public Health leadership updates
Dr. Jeffrey H. Coben, dean of West Virginia University’s School of Public Health, will step down from the dean position he has held since May 2017, effective Nov. 1. He will remain on faculty with the Schools of Public Health and Medicine and continue to support the operations of the Health Affairs Institute in his role as associate vice president.
Access to HSC VDI may be intermittently unavailable midnight Saturday, Nov. 4 to noon Sunday, Nov. 5
HSC VDI (HSView) may be intermittently unavailable between 11:59 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4 and noon Sunday, Nov. 5 for important security updates.
Sokos named interim chair of the new Department of Cardiology
George G. Sokos, D.O., FACC, has been named interim chair of the School of Medicine's new Department of Cardiology. Ramesh Daggubati, MD, FACC, FSCAI, professor and chief of Interventional Cardiology, will serve as the department's vice chair.
Blood Drive planned for Nov. 2 at J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital
An American Red Cross blood drive will be held Thursday, Nov. 2, from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. at WVU Medicine J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital Bruce McClymonds Conference Room A for WVU employees and students.
WVU student dentists and hygienists will provide free oral health screenings for veterans
Veterans interested in an appointment should call 304-293-6208. Appointments are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
Children’s mental health professionals sought for survey
Therapists, psychiatrists, case managers, physicians, nurses and social service providers serving youth in West Virginia are encouraged to share their expertise on what is working and where gaps exist currently.