
All Morgantown campus students enrolled in Health Sciences majors, including undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

If you are a WVU Online, WVU Tech, WVU Potomac State student, or on a branch campus, please email layne.kehl@mail.wvu.edu to explore options for counseling moving forward. 

If you are a WVU student not enrolled in a Health Sciences program, the Carruth Center for Counseling and Psychological Services offers screenings and appointments


BeWell staff are located on the Health Sciences Campus in Morgantown as a satellite office of the Carruth Center for Counseling and Psychological Services. BeWell provides several services also offered through the Carruth Center.


Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pm: Request an appointment online and/or email the BeWell clinicians to schedule an initial appointment:

Layne Hitchcock

Office: 304-293-1292

Carmella Polak

Office: 304-293-1353

Courtney "Court" Lanham


Sarah Sadler



Health Sciences Center South
First Floor, Suite 1254

View the map for directions.


One in five adults will struggle with a mental health challenge. Research shows that the sooner someone seeks help, the better the outcome. Similar to our physical health, if we notice a change, we want to follow up with a doctor to prevent a symptom/sign from worsening.

Those who choose a helping profession are at a greater risk of burnout than the rest of the population. Learning to integrate wellness and self-care can act as prevention in your later career.