EYH 2015
The 2015 Expanding Your Horizons conference will be held Saturday April 18th at Potomac State College in Keyser, WV. We are currently recruiting volunteers.
I have already met with middle school teachers and education representatives in the county and they are hoping to have a really big event (in fact, the superintendent from one of the surrounding counties has even discussed bussing girls in for the day).
We’ll need everyone’s help this year, so if you haven’t presented in a while, please consider joining us. Please also consider reaching out to your colleagues and students. My first experience with AWIS was as an EYH presenter in 2000 in Williamson, WV when I was still an undergraduate student. It was a transformative experience that first got me thinking about pursuing a PhD in chemistry. Please start thinking about your workshop and/or other ways you can help out. I'm hoping to have the online registration site up in another week so you can enter your information. Please contact Jennifer Robertson-Honecker <Jen.Robertson@mail.wvu.edu> for more information.