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2025 Mountain State Conference on Disabilities Call for Proposals

The annual conference will take place September 18-19, 2025 in Morgantown, WV

The 2025 Mountain State Conference on Disabilities (MSCD) will take place September 18-19, 2025 at the Waterfront Place Hotel and Morgantown Event Center in Morgantown, WV.

The Mountain State Conference on Disabilities planning committee is actively seeking proposals for short courses, workshops, and poster sessions from individuals with disabilities, caregivers/ family members, researchers, professionals and students.

This conference focuses on practices in the field of disabilities including, but not limited to developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury, mental health and more. It will also feature techniques and models of service for individuals from birth to senior and their families that bridge the gap for care, self-determination, communication and best practice. The conference will also highlight the lived experiences of people with disabilities, their families and caregivers. Sessions will be geared towards self-advocates, people with lived experience (family, siblings and caregivers), students, professionals (including direct service providers), therapists and medical providers, educators, policy makers, and researchers.

The conference planning committee encourages you to submit a short course, workshop or poster proposal that relates to the conference theme of “Bridging the Gap”. This theme was chosen to represent how all stakeholders in the disability community can come together to make an impact.

Proposal deadline for submission is April 1, 2025.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 16, 2025.

For questions, please contact Amy Burt at

Proposal submission form.