
General Information

  • Research is defined as creating scientific knowledge intended to be shared whether done by students or faculty and needs Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.
  • Chart reviews need IRB approvals.
  • Keeping lists of chart numbers for future research is prohibited without IRB approval.
  • More than five case studies or one case study that will be followed need IRB approval.
  • The PI takes full responsibility of research. If students are involved in benchtop studies they need safety training, to wear PPE (eye wear/ lab coats/closed toe shoes, etc.) for their safety.
  • Research related to human cancer must be approved through the PRMC (Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee) of the WVU Cancer Institute before being submitted to the IRB.
  • Research involving microbes must be approved through the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) before being submitted to the IRB and animal studies must be approved through the Office of Animal Welfare before being submitted to the IRB.
  • Data collection for quality assurance, quality improvement or performance improvement needs IRB approval if the intention is to share the knowledge as scientific knowledge (published/presented).
  • It is a best practice to close completed projects rather than to let them expire.
  • External grant applications for research must go through Pre-Award Services provided by the WVU Health Sciences Office of Research and Graduate Education. Only WVU can enter into such contractual agreements.
  • Grant applications without research must go through the WVU Foundation. Only WVU can enter into such contractual agreements.
  • Any donations (goods or monetary) must go through the WVU Foundation.

**Obtain consent for presentation/manuscripts for radiographs, photographs and other potential protected health information. Patients have rights not to have their information disclosed.